Thursday, 31 December 2015

I Didn't Know How Stupid I Was Until 2015

Since 2015 just flew by (which worked in my favor) and a new year is upon us once again, I'd like to share to you 15 things I taught myself that may be of help for you in starting a clean 2016 slate:

1. You MUST choose to surround yourself with people who creates a happier and better you. You either do this or die a sad puppy.
2. You can never truly avoid yourself from depending your happiness on the people or things you may lose one day. When you have felt love deeply into your bones, the sadness of letting go will be like no other. This is when you utter "that's life" and carry on.
3. (in relation to lesson #2) Never say never is bullcrap. You are allowed to say never. Because in any circumstance that may shake your core and shatter you into what may seem like irreparable damage, NEVER ever lose hope.
4. Things get extremely worse just right before IT GETS BETTER. Again, NEVER give hope up.
5. The Higher Being / universe has plans that are beyond the scope of your understanding at the moment of adversity. Trust your god; however you may define Him/it.
6. You do not, for whatever reason, step down and compromise yourself to hold on to relationships. The people who love you will never make you feel like you have to but instead will voluntarily step up so you can be the person you were meant to become.
7. Being treated like straight up garbage is probably one of the best things that will happen to you for two reasons: You learn what not to do to others and you discover your self-worth as well as the worthlessness of the toxic relationships you continue to hang on to.
8. Some people are flat out unreasonable, cruel and generally incapable of lifting others up.
9. Forgive number 8. Just forgive. It's a win-win, trust me.
10. A great percentage of the 7 billion who inhabit the world is awfully quick to judge. Absolve them too & make sure you aren't doing it to others.
11. There is a limit to the number of "benefit of the doubt" you can give people. Anything above the limit is mere foolishness. Kind is different from stupid, sweetheart.
12. Radiate positive thinking but romanticize nothing.
13. If social media is right at least about one thing, it is to travel while you are young and able. There is no better teacher than first-hand experience. And, oh, videos do not compare to pictures. Hit the record button & film moments!
14. Speak up your mind and stand by your passions. If proven to be wrong, apologize & accept without resentment. You know nothing if you think you know everything.
15. No matter how harsh the world can get. A good heart is still everything.

A blessed new year to you, wonderful human! Don't stop being a kickass! ❤️

Till the Next,

Friday, 11 December 2015

Baguio, Balesin & La Union

Finally had the time to creatively put together all the footage from my month-long summer in the Philippines!

Till the next,

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Macau / Hongkong 2015

Hello, hello, hello! Guess what? I am still alive and kicking! Haha! I can't even remember how long I was gone for. I spent most of September touring my uncle from Australia around the beautiful British Columbia with la familia (rhyme not intended haha!). Then, I had the flu for a week and a half a little over a month ago. Once I had recuperated from that, I was out and about almost on the daily doing my little adventures with friends during the weekends and working tons on the weekdays. Above all else, I have also gotten back into something very dear to my heart which is volunteering for practically anything with a good cause. In a nutshell, I have been utterly busy the past couple of months trying to slowly step out of my comfort zone, get out there and be more active. I have, for the lack of a better term, wasted the first half of this year and so I am really taking advantage of what is left of 2015. I can't believe that there's exactly only 30 days left before 2016. How is that even possible? "Time flies" is not just a mere cliche, it is 101% accurate too. Whew! Now that it is becoming and feeling more wintery outside, I have more time to just 'netflix and chill' in the most literal way possible because the heavens know I am as uninvolved as one can be right now. Haha! Anyway, the purpose of this blog post is for me to show my non-existent editing skills via this video blog of my trip to Macau / Hongkong last May. I traveled with my two lovely aunts and just had a good time. As evidenced by the limited footages, I really had fun burning a few bucks in the casino and in Mong Kok's night market as well as the lovely boat ride with the musical prowess of our gondolier in the heart of the Grand Canals of Shoppes at the Venetian. Most of my unforgettable experiences during that trip is not in this video so I apologize. This only proves that particular moments that do not get filmed or put on social media are the ones that I really have enjoyed the most because I did not even remember busting my camera out. Okay, enough chatter, M! 
Here's the video: 

Till the next,